
We need more businesses than entrepreneurs

What is a business? According to Wikipedia ,  Business  is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling  products  (such as goods and services). What is entrepreneurship?  According to Wikipedia ,  Entrepreneurship  is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business, which is often initially a  small business .  The Relationship, According to Wikipedia , Relationship between small business and entrepreneurship The term "entrepreneur" is often conflated with the term "small business" or used interchangeably with this term. While most entrepreneurial ventures start out as a small business, not all small businesses are entrepreneurial in the strict sense of the term. Many small businesses are sole proprietor operations consisting solely of the owner—or they have a small number of employees—and many of these small businesses offer an existing product, process, or service and they do ...

Rupert Cloud in Africa

# Cloud computing is what's powering the works of today and tomorrow. We don't have enough resources for everyone to be availed with high computing power but it's more than necessary that everyone has access to it. Rupert Cloud( ) is tackling this in Africa with a neutral Cloud Computing Facility with a standardized Datacenter and will be looking to scale from just Uganda to East, South and West Africa in the next 10yrs. We are fundraising about $50m to be able to realize this dream and we shall be publishing a white paper on which the business will be pillared and visioned. We shall be adding about 1,000 jobs in 10yrs in the economies, adding about $1bn in revenues as generated by the businesses that will be using the cloud. We shall be partnering with different data center providers and holding some of the highest standards to improve the environment. We hope more people can join us from the private sectors, the public sector, universities, espec...